Discover the enchanting world of „The First Strawberries – A Cherokee Indian Tale,” one of our treasured bedtime stories for kids. This heartwarming fable takes us back to the beginning of time, where the first man and woman experience life’s ups and downs together. Their story of love, conflict, and reconciliation is beautifully interwoven with the magical appearance of the first strawberries. Perfect for a peaceful bedtime reading.

At the very beginning of time, the first man and woman lived together as husband and wife. They set up a home by a great, wide, and peaceful river. They had everything they needed for a blissful life: fruits, berries, meat and fish, plenty of wood, and fresh water, and, of course, each other.

Life passed happily and serenely until their first quarrel. As it often happens, it started over a trifle. The first man said, 'Why didn’t you cook this?’ to which the first woman replied, 'Why didn’t you bring wood for the fire?’ They couldn’t agree, and the situation quickly worsened. The first man said, 'Why haven’t you cleaned up?’ and his wife responded, 'Why are you such a slob and mess-maker?’ Soon, they began not only hurling insults but also wooden plates.

The first woman was so upset that in anger, she decided to leave her husband. At dawn, while he still slept, she set off down the valley towards the rising sun. She walked and walked, always looking ahead and never turning back.

bedtime stories for kids

The first man woke up in the morning and saw that she was gone. At first, he waited, hoping she would return. Time, however, passed, and there was no sign of her. He decided to set out in search of her and soon found her tracks leading along the valley. He followed her trail, but she had a long head start, having neither stopped nor looked back.

The sun was high in the great, blue sky. It looked down at the first man, following the first woman, and saw how sad he was. He paid no attention to the beautiful and splendid world surrounding him. 'Are you still angry with your wife?’ the sun asked. The man shook his head no. 'Do you want her back?’ 'Very much!’ he affirmed.

Then, the sun took pity on the first man and decided to help him. It shone upon the woman, who was further ahead, tirelessly continuing down the valley. The sun gently touched the earth on the woman’s path, and soon a blueberry bush grew there. The berries were shiny and tempting, but as she walked, she kept her gaze forward and didn’t even see the berries.

Seeing this, the sun shone brighter, making a blackberry thicket grow beside the path, right in front of the woman. Still, the first woman did not even glance at them.

The sun then thought it needed to create something entirely new, something so lively, so fragrant, and so delicious that anyone, even lost in their sorrow, could not pass indifferently. It focused and swept its brightest rays across a clearing by the path. Shortly after, the first strawberry bushes grew there. Their sweet scent filled the area, and as soon as the woman smelled it, her mood began to improve. She started looking around and saw the bright red fruit hiding under the leaves. It looked so tempting that she picked one and tasted it.

Feeling the flavor of the strawberry on her tongue, she began to recall the happiness she felt living with her beloved husband. She looked at the half-eaten strawberry in her hand and recognized the shape of a bright red heart. She no longer felt the pressing desire to leave him. She sat down among the fruits and began to ponder what to do next. Before she could eat a few more strawberries, the first man caught up with her. He sat down beside her and smiled apologetically. In response, she slipped half a strawberry into his mouth.

They then realized what they felt for each other and how much they missed each other. They returned home together, taking a few strawberry bushes to plant and to remind them of this lesson.

Don’t give in to anger too quickly when tough situations arise, and forgive each other your faults and shortcomings!

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