Fable Night is a place to find all the popular fables, fairy tales and bedtime stories for kids. This is a growing database of bedtime stories for kids. We present you with another bedtime story, this time about a little elf named Pola living in a magical land beyond the blue mountains.

In the land beyond the blue mountains, in a magical realm, lived the elves. Tiny, really tiny. They were so small that if they appeared in the land of humans, they would be hard to spot among the thick grass. However, in the magical realm, the grass was low enough for the elves to play on it easily.

bedtime stories for kids

Near the flowery meadow stood an inconspicuous but very sturdy house. It was built of clay and numerous colorful stones, shimmering in all the colors of the rainbow. In it lived an elf named Pola with her mom and dad. True to her elfin nature, she had small, pointed ears. Her charm was enhanced by red lips, large blue eyes, and perpetually rosy cheeks. She was very lively. Almost all day, she played tag with butterflies in the garden near her house. Sometimes she had really interesting adventures. Once, she even met a frog that let her slide off its back just like a slide.

One day, her mother asked her to go to the forest and pick berries for a delicious fruit cocktail. Pola put on her yellow coat and comfortable purple shoes with black dots, took a basket woven from dry grass, and set off. As she walked, skipping and singing joyfully, she heard a rustling from the bushes. At first, she was a bit scared. But curiosity won, and she decided to check it out. She approached the bush and carefully parted the leaves. There she saw a small snake. However, it was not an ordinary snake. It was all pink and soon revealed that it could talk.

bedtime stories for kids

– „Hello!” it greeted, „My name is Dorian.”
Pola was very surprised, but also very, very excited.
– „Wow! You can talk? I’ve never seen a snake that talks.”
– „I’m not an ordinary snake. I’m a magical snake. I came here from my stony realm to collect nuts for the snake king’s birthday. But yesterday afternoon, while I took a little nap, someone stole my magic mirror,” said the snake sadly and shed a few tears.
– „Don’t worry,” said Pola, „We have many mirrors in our realm. If you want, I can give you one… maybe even two.”
– „Thank you for the offer, kind creature, but my mirror was magical. It was the only way back to my home. It was a portal between the realm where I live and the realm of elves. Without it, I’ll never be able to return home,” the snake sobbed in despair.
– „Don’t worry! I will help you, Dorian… Oh sorry, I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Pola, and I’m an elf. Come! Let’s go to my grandpa. My grandpa is the wisest of all in our entire realm and will surely find a solution.”

After walking through the entire forest, Pola and the snake reached a small white house. They knocked on the door, and after a moment, an old elf opened it.

– „Hello, grandpa!”
– „Hi, my dear! Nice to see you!”
– „Dear grandpa, I want to introduce you to someone – this is my friend, the snake Dorian.”
– „Good day! I am very pleased to meet you, Mr. Elf,” hissed the snake.
– „Great heavens!” exclaimed the old man. „I’ve seen talking frogs, flies, even a fish, but never a snake! It really can talk!”
– „Yes, grandpa, we came because we need your help. My new friend has a serious problem.”

bedtime stories for kids

The snake told everything that had happened to him. The elf scratched his long, gray beard, then loudly announced.
– „I know! I have an idea! Come with me.” They all went downstairs to a small cellar at the back of the house. Pola’s grandpa pulled out a huge old yellowed piece of paper rolled into a scroll.
– „What is this paper?” asked the curious granddaughter.
– „This is not ordinary paper, my dear, it’s a very important and old map of the forest. It has drawn and marked all the important places in our realm,” replied the old man, examining it carefully.
– „Isn’t this where you took a nap yesterday, snake?” he asked, pointing to a spot on the map.
– „Yes! Right here, under this big walnut tree.”
– „Then let’s go! I think I know where your mirror is,” declared the elf.

The grandfather put on his shoes, jacket, and took a ladder. Together, they set off quickly and soon arrived under the big tree full of tasty nuts. „Grandpa, but why did we come here?” „Do you see that low black-and-white tree over there? That’s a birch. A bird called a magpie lives there.” „But what does the magpie have to do with the disappearance of the magical mirror?” „You’ll find out soon, my dear. Come with me!” The three of them approached the birch. The old elf set up the ladder and climbed to the top of the tree. At the top, on the thickest branch, was a nest full of different shiny objects – bracelets, rings, shiny stones, and among them… the snake’s magic mirror!

bedtime stories for kids

The grandfather took the mirror under his arm and started climbing down the ladder when suddenly a magpie flew over. It immediately started screeching:
– „Give me back my mirror!” screeched the angry bird.
– „It’s not yours, naughty bird! You’re a very naughty birdy! You took it from the poor snake!”
– „It’s my mirror!” hissed the snake to confirm. The magpie fell silent for a moment, then replied sadly.
– „I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to harm anyone. The mirror shone so beautifully that I couldn’t resist. As soon as I saw that the snake was asleep, I borrowed it. It reflected the sun’s rays so beautifully. „I was wrong, and I know I should return it. I promise to return all the stolen items. I apologize to you, snake!”
– „I’m no longer angry,” hissed the snake.

bedtime stories for kids

The grandfather came down to the ground and handed the snake its mirror. „Thank you so much! I am very grateful. And to you, Pola, thank you very much! If it weren’t for you, I would never see my home again,” the snake hissed joyfully.

The magpie apologized again to the snake and returned all the stolen items found in the nest. It learned that sooner or later every lie comes to light. It also learned that nothing comes easily. From then on, the bird collected berries and nuts, which it then sold to the elves, and with honestly earned money, bought its dream trinkets. Before returning home, the snake was invited by the elf grandfather and Pola for a farewell dinner. When they arrived at the grandfather’s cottage, the old man cooked a delicious soup from mushrooms collected the day before in the forest. „It was delicious!” said the snake, „But I must return home now.” „Oh, my! I also have to go! – shouted the elf – my mommy is probably very worried about me already.”

The snake said goodbye to his new friends. He was about to jump into his magic portal when he asked one more question „Mr. Elf, how did you know where my mirror was?” „Actually, I didn’t know, but I suspected that the magpie might have taken it. These birds are known for their weakness for shiny things. I’m glad everything turned out well.”

The snake thanked them again for everything and jumped into the mirror. The mirror disappeared along with him. The grandfather walked his little granddaughter home. After returning home, the daughter told her parents about the adventures that had happened to her. She was already very tired. She washed herself, brushed her teeth thoroughly, and quickly fell asleep in her soft, warm bed.

Some time later, the snake visited Pola and her grandfather again. From that time on, he always took care of his things, especially the magic mirror.

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