Welcome to the heartwarming bedtime story of a hen who dares to dream. This therapeutic story inspires courage and the pursuit of dreams, no matter how impossible they may seem. Fable Night is a place to find all the popular bedtime stories for kids. 

Everyone in the area knew Maggie and Paul’s farm. There, one could get fresh milk and tasty eggs, and truly unique animals lived in the barnyard. Among them, a hen named Marianne had a very special dream. She decided to learn how to fly.

„After all, I am a bird, and every bird has wings. If it has wings, it should be able to fly!” Marianne repeated to herself.

„What are you talking about?! Chickens can’t fly! Your wings won’t carry you more than a few meters. Give it up. Everyone will just laugh at you. Why are you even coming up with such nonsense? Focus on laying eggs and scratching the earth!” the other chickens retorted.

Marianne didn’t care about these remarks at all. She decided she would fly, no matter what! In the morning and before noon, like the other chickens, she laid eggs, but in the afternoon and evening, she tried to soar into the air. The dreamy hen admired other birds – titmice, storks, pigeons – that flew so beautifully, far, and high. Marianne tried to do everything just like them. The determined chicken would jump onto the high fence, onto her good friend, the cow Susie, or into bushes, then take off, flap her wings as fast as she could, and… It always ended the same way. She flew a few meters before falling to the ground.

Many animals began to mock Marianne.

„Just understand, even if you practice for several hours a day, you will never learn to fly. You simply can’t do it!” nearly everyone around her said.

Marianne was very sad, but she had no intention of giving up. She had no intention of giving up on her dreams. And her biggest dream was to fly over the sea. Marianne thought life was unfair. While other birds flew wherever they wanted, visiting many beautiful places and admiring wonderful views, she spent her whole day on the farm… Marianne continued to train for long weeks and months. But even the hardest exercises couldn’t make a chicken take off and fly, like a stork, for example.

And when everyone kept telling Marianne to give up on her silly dreams, something extraordinary happened. Seagulls came to the farm for a few days. They wanted to rest quietly away from the noise of seaside towns, from the sound of the waves. The beautiful sea birds heard about the dreamy hen and decided to act. On the last day of their stay in the countryside, they flew to Marianne and asked her:

„Are you the hen who dreams of flying and seeing the sea?”

„Yes, that’s me. Nice to meet you. But tell me, what’s going on? And what have you brought with you?”

„These are four balloons. The farmer’s son had his birthday yesterday. The balloons are filled with helium, which allows them to float in the air. We attached a large and sturdy shopping bag to them. If you’re brave and want to have a real adventure, jump in, and with the help of the balloons, we will rise high into the air and fly on a short trip over the sea.”

bedtime stories for kids

Marianne couldn’t believe what she was hearing. Her greatest wish was coming true. When she watched the beautiful views of meadows, fields, houses from above, when she finally flew over the vast sea, she thought to herself that it was worth dreaming.

Upon returning to the farm, everyone congratulated Marianne for achieving what she so dearly wanted.

„Now, having had this wonderful adventure, you can live peacefully as a proper hen should – laying eggs, walking around the yard, sleeping on the perch,” Marianne’s family repeated.

„Now that I know that even the biggest dreams come true, I can calmly plan my next trip,” said the dreamy hen.

„What? What are you talking about? What are you going to do?” the other chickens wondered.

„I want to go on a small boat trip across the lake,” Marianne confidently stated.

„Now you’re really talking nonsense,” Marianne’s family objected. „Chickens can’t swim.”

„Chickens can’t fly high and far either, yet I managed to do so. So why shouldn’t I try to go on a boat trip across the lake? My last adventure taught me a very important lesson. We’re not good at everything. Some skills we will never be able to learn, no matter how long we try. But if there are a lot of kind people and animals around who have interesting ideas and good intentions, then almost everything we desire can come true.”

And that’s precisely why hen Marianne never stopped dreaming…

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