Embark on a captivating journey with 'Journey Across the Desert’ bedtime stories for kids, where a young camel named Dromader faces his first great adventure. Overcoming challenges and proving his worth among seasoned camels, Dromader discovers his unique strengths and navigates a perilous sandstorm. This fable is not just a tale of adventure, but a lesson in perseverance, teamwork, and embracing one’s uniqueness.

All the camels already had their packs on their backs, and the caravan was preparing to journey across the desert. Suddenly, someone called out:
– Wait for me! Me too!

Young Dromedary almost missed his first expedition. He had spent all night watching the stars, his favorite activity. Gazing at the sky, he dreamed of distant journeys. Now sleep-deprived, tired but excited, he ran with all his might to fulfill his dream.

bedtime stories for kids

The two-humped camels looked at him in surprise. He looked completely different from them. He had only one hump, short fur, long thin legs, and was altogether… smaller. The biggest of the Bactrian camels laughed:
– You want to come with us? You won’t be able to carry the load. Besides, you have only one hump of fat. You won’t last on the journey…

Dromedary hung his head, but kept persistently asking:
– Let me go with you. My one hump is enough for me. I know I can’t carry as much as you, but maybe I can help you in another way? – he pleaded. Old Bactrian, who was to lead the caravan, listened to the conversation. Finally, he began calmly:
– I see you really care about this journey.
– Oh yes! Very much! – exclaimed the excited Dromedary.
– You think you can handle it? – he inquired.
– I’ve been preparing for it for a long time. I practiced carrying weights and long marches – Dromedary proudly replied.

Old Bactrian thought for a moment, then decided:
– Alright, you’ll walk at the end – he said. – If we go too fast, let us know, we’ll slow down. The caravan moves as fast as the slowest camel – he explained.
– But Bactrian – interrupted the Strongest camel – he will only slow us down. We are a well-coordinated team and don’t need a newcomer. It’s a waste of time. Old Bactrian looked sternly at the Strongest.
– Have you forgotten how you first went on an expedition? The Strongest felt ashamed. He remembered how the older camels had teased him back then.
– Everyone was new once and had their first time – continued Bactrian. – We have an extra load that was to wait for the next course. The youngster might be useful to us. Dromedary – he turned to the recruit – put on your load quickly, and let’s go.
– Yes, sir, captain! – the young camel rejoiced and ran for his packs. He gasped. His legs buckled and trembled with effort. Oh, so heavy. I didn’t expect this. I can do it! I can do it! he told himself to gather courage. Finally, he stood behind the last camel and excitedly set off with the caravan. With each day, it became harder for him, and his enthusiasm waned. The sun scorched his fur, and at night, even the thick blanket he got from his mother wasn’t enough to protect him from the cold. The young camel spent the first few days fruitlessly looking for green plants or even a small puddle. Eventually, he stopped hoping to see anything other than sand and dried shrubs.

Dromedary tired faster than the rest of the group. The caravan had to slow down and make stops more often than usual. The camels didn’t like it. They said to each other:
– Why did Old Bactrian take him?
– Only troubles with him.
– He’s not cut out for this.
– Just slowing us down…

Old Bactrian, despite his age, had good hearing. He was saddened by the complaints and lack of understanding for the new colleague. When he was about to say something, the Strongest spoke up:

– Guys, this is unfair. Each of us was once new, just like him. We are older, experienced, and trained in traveling through the desert. Can’t you see how hard he’s trying?
– Why did he want to come?! – shouted one of the Bactrians.
– Because I’m a camel, just like you, though I look a bit different – Dromedary sadly replied. All the two-humped camels looked at him.
– Yes, I’m a camel and I want to walk in the caravan – he repeated more boldly.
– Dromedary is part of our group and is just as important as each of you. You should help him, as friends do – Old Bactrian finally said.

Suddenly a strong wind blew up. It lifted desert sand and threw it forward, swirled around and again hit the desert. As it danced, the camels’ hooves sank deeper and deeper into the hot sand, but the caravan stubbornly moved on. A terrible sandstorm raged. Old Bactrian yelled:

– Stop! Not another step! He coughed as another gust of wind filled his mouth with sand.
– Lie down close to each other, all together! Secure the loads so they don’t get lost! – he shouted, but the wind whistled so loudly that it was barely audible.

When the storm subsided, the sky was already twinkling with thousands of stars. All the camels were sleeping, except for Dromedary, who couldn’t sleep. He looked at the starry sky and something didn’t add up. He knew the route and the position of the constellations very well.

– Oh no! The sandstorm has pushed us too far west – he said to himself – I must tell the Captain. At dawn, as the caravan was preparing to continue, the young camel approached Old Bactrian and said timidly:
– Captain, it seems to me that we changed course during the storm. Old Bactrian was surprised. He had never strayed from the path before, even during sandstorms.
– Are you sure? – he asked.
– It seems so. I checked our position relative to the stars last night. The wind pushed us west. Old Bactrian checked the position of the sun.
– You’re right! – he exclaimed. – I didn’t know you knew navigation? – he thought, then decided – You will walk in front with me and help me lead the caravan. All the camels heard the conversation and looked at each other and then at Dromedary. None of them knew how to navigate. The caravan moved on, but this time with the young camel in the lead. They didn’t stop as often as before, because when Dromedary got tired, the Bactrians took his load on their backs.

After several days of trekking, the camels reached their destination safe and sound. When unloading the cargo, the Biggest admitted:

– I underestimated you, Dromedary. I’m sorry I judged you by your appearance. The Strongest added:
– Thanks for leading us out of the desert. Without you, we would all have perished. The Bactrians nodded in agreement, and Dromedary smiled contentedly.
– I thank you for your help. I couldn’t have done it alone. Thanks to you, I survived my first expedition! – he exclaimed joyfully. All the camels in the caravan laughed, and Old Bactrian, nodding his head, said:
– Everyone has a talent and is important in a group. Different does not mean worse.

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