Enhance your collection of Christmas bedtime stories with the heartwarming „The Angelic Mission: A Christmas Tale.” Follow the journey of two little angels, Johnny and Frankie, as they embark on a special task from Santa to collect children’s letters in Poland. Their adventure takes an unexpected turn, leading to a touching mission that reunites a family just in time for Christmas.

It was a time of great commotion in heaven. The little angels were preparing to descend to Earth to peek on the window sills of children’s rooms in search of letters to Santa Claus. There was a lot of work to do. They had to straighten their wings, wash their white scarves and caps, and polish their golden shoes…

After these preparations, the angels lined up, and each was called by name to approach Santa. He would assign them a specific region of the world where they were to look for children’s letters. Among many angels, there were also two quite small ones, who were to fly with such an important mission to Earth for the first time. They were Johnny and Frankie.

– Johnny!!! – Santa boomed in a loud voice.

– Here! – Johnny jumped in surprise.

– And Frankie. – called Santa – Since this is your first mission, you will fly together for support.

– Yes, Santa. – the angels chorused in response.

– Your area is… – Santa glanced at the map – Poland. – Yes, sir. – the angels saluted. – Off you go, my dears, and take care of each other on Earth – Santa opened the door.

christmas bedtime stories

The angels tightened their caps, adjusted their scarves, and headed right into the middle of the snowy fluff falling from the sky. The journey didn’t take them long, as angels fly very fast, and thanks to the winds that know the whole world, they always reach their designated place. So it was with our little ones. They easily reached their assigned country and began searching for children’s letters.

They hopped onto window sills and peeked through the windows into children’s rooms. If a letter lay on the sill, they would extract it in their own special way and hide it in a special golden folder, which they later had to give to Santa. The children asked in the letters for dolls, teddy bears, cars, books, games… The angels read, smiled, and nodded their heads in satisfaction. Children often left treats next to the letters for the angels, so our winged heroes were fed as plump as bugs. When it seemed they had visited all the houses, they sat on a tree branch to adjust their silver laces on their golden shoes.

– Frankie, look – Johnny pointed to something standing between the trees – it looks like a house where a child lives. Frankie looked at the building his friend pointed out.

– Nah, you’re wrong. Houses where children live are colorful and cheerful, but this one is grey, dreary, and sad.

– I’m telling you, a child lives there – Johnny insisted – look, there’s a swing and a sandbox in the garden. Just look. Adults don’t need such things. Frankie jumped off the branch and flew closer. It turned out Johnny was right. In the yard, there were children’s toys. Frankie looked into the windows of the house. In one of them stood a very, very sad boy looking ahead.

– Hmmm – muttered Frankie – Strange. We must check this out. He waited until the boy moved away from the window and lightly hopped onto the sill. He was surprised when he found a letter there. He quickly pulled it out. He and Johnny looked at the drawing and were speechless.

– We must deliver this letter to Santa as soon as possible – said Johnny. And he flew off with his white wings towards heaven. When they arrived, they immediately went to Santa’s room.

– How did it go, my dears? – Santa smiled – mission completed?

– Oh yes – the angels confirmed eagerly – but we found something strange.

– What’s that? – Santa became interested.

– It’s a letter we found in the sad house – the angels replied, handing the letters to Santa. He looked at the drawing, scratched his white beard, and nodded understandingly.

– Serious matter, boys. But you did a splendid job. This letter will be dealt with first.

– But what’s in the letter, Santa? It has a drawing of a mom and dad, but children have parents. Santa looked sadly at his brave messengers.

– You know… sometimes it happens that parents have children who are not their own. So they give them to special homes to wait there for their real mom and dad. You found such a house, and there the child left a letter, writing that he would like to meet his real parents. The angels opened their mouths in surprise.

– What now? – worried Frankie.

– How will we find his parents? – Johnny felt like crying, so he fanned himself with his wings.

– Don’t worry. I know who to call. – Santa smiled at the angels, reaching for the phone at the same time. Meanwhile, on Earth… In a beautiful, large, and colorful house lived two adults, Mr. Peter and Mrs. Mary. Their house was beautiful, but they themselves were sad. They were decorating the Christmas tree and wiping away tears, baking cookies and looking at each other sadly.

– Darling… another Christmas without our child

– Mrs. Mary looked sadly at her husband.

– Don’t worry – Mr. Peter hugged her, stroking her blonde hair – We’ll find our child, we just have to wait a bit. You know… He didn’t finish because the phone rang in the room. Mrs. Mary picked up the receiver.

– Hello? – she said sadly. The voice on the phone began to explain something, and Mrs. Mary’s eyes grew wider. – Yes, I understand. Right, right, I’m writing it down. – she waved her hand to the surprised Mr. Peter, who quickly handed her a notebook and pen. Mrs. Mary wrote something down and said with a changed, joyful voice to someone on the phone

– Of course, we’ll go there immediately. When she hung up the phone, her face was smiling and her eyes were shining.

– What happened? – asked Mr. Peter.

– Mrs. Mirka from the center that helps us find our child called. And she said that someone very important, but she can’t say who, gave her an address where our son is waiting for us! Mr. Peter was already standing in the corridor, putting on his coat.

– Let’s hurry – he called – maybe we can still make dumplings with our son for Christmas Eve dinner?

When they arrived at the grey house, they were very nervous. They knocked on the heavy doors, which were opened after a moment by a smiling lady.

– Are you the ones with this address from Mrs. Mirka?

– Yes – they answered together, holding hands.

– Hohohoho – the nice lady exclaimed

– It was an important assignment!

And she led them down a long corridor to a room with blue walls. Sitting at a table in it was a boy with eyes black as coal. When they entered, he looked at them. And then they and he knew that although they had never seen each other before, they had known each other forever because they are his parents and he is their son. The boy ran up and hugged his mom and dad’s knees tightly.

– I knew you would find me one day! Santa always gives gifts – he said, kissing Mrs. Mary on the cheek.

– Yes, son, he always brings gifts – Mr. Peter hugged his son – And now put on your shoes. We have to hurry home to make dumplings for the Christmas Eve dinner.

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