Enjoy one of our new bedtime stories for kids. This time, it’s a folk fable for children from Nigeria in West Africa. In our translation and adaptation!

Mamad’s reputation eventually reached the king, who became curious to meet him. He ordered his servants to bring Mamad to the palace. 'It’s impossible for someone to never lie,’ the king thought.

When Mamad appeared before the king, he was scrutinized from head to toe. The king was surprised to find that he looked like an ordinary man, with no distinguishing features.

The king inquired – 'Is it true what they say about you?’

’I’m not sure what you’re referring to’ – replied Mamad, as he could only guess what the king might mean.

The king elaborated – 'Your honesty. Is it true what they say about it?’

’And what do they say?’ – Mamad asked.

’Is it true that you have never lied?’ – the king pressed.

’It is true’ – Mamad affirmed.

’Tell me, son,’ – the king continued, 'do you intend to never lie in the future?’

’I do not intend to lie’ – Mamad confirmed firmly, believing wholeheartedly in his words.

’Never? In your entire life?’ – the king asked incredulously.

’Never’ – Mamad stated. He had sworn always to tell the truth and believed he would always do so.

The king was impressed and took this as a challenge. 'Lies can be tricky,’ he warned. 'You might lie without even realizing it. Be careful!’

Mamad bowed, and the king wished him well in life before sending him back home.

A few days passed, and the king couldn’t stop thinking about the man who never lied. It seemed impossible to him. Eventually, he summoned Mamad back to the palace. By the time of their meeting, Mamad’s fame had grown, and a large crowd of courtiers had gathered at the palace gates, curious about what would happen next. Seeing the crowd, the king came outside and invited Mamad in, leading him to the royal stables, with the crowd following.

In the stable, the king found his favorite horse and ordered it to be saddled and prepared for a journey.

The king said to Mamad, 'I would like to invite you to dinner. However, I must visit my ailing father first. I will return in the evening. Go to the royal gardens and find the queen. Tell her about my departure and ask her to prepare a lavish feast for everyone this evening.’

’I am ready to be your messenger’ – Mamad bowed to the king.

’Go then!’ the king added and stayed with his courtiers at the stable, preparing for his journey.

As soon as Mamad was out of sight, the king dismounted from his horse.

’I’m not going anywhere today. All of you will witness that I will stay in the palace. Our honest Mamad will soon tell his first lie, and we will prove it to him this evening,’ the king chuckled, pleased with the joke he had planned.

Meanwhile, Mamad reached the gardens and found the queen cutting roses. He bowed and said, 'Your Highness! The king sent me to tell you that he plans to visit his father. He also asked me to relay that you should prepare a grand feast for this evening, should he indeed return.’

The queen looked at Mamad, puzzled. 'Explain yourself, young man. Will the king be here this evening or not? What kind of riddles are these?’

’It’s no riddle’ – Mamad replied honestly. 'I saw the king mount his horse, and I heard him say he was going to see his father. He also mentioned that he planned to return this evening. However, whether he left or not – I did not see. Maybe he did, maybe he didn’t.’

The queen was impressed by the young man’s words. She was unsure what would happen that evening but knew what she could be certain of. She ordered the dinner to be prepared and waited patiently to see what would unfold.

In the evening, everyone – the king, the queen, Mamad, and the crowd of courtiers – gathered for the feast. After the first course was served, the king stood up and said, 'You have probably heard that there is a man among us who claims he never lies. This is not true, my dear queen. He lied to you today.’ The king laughed, and the courtiers joined in.

’And what was the lie?’ – the queen inquired.

’He told you that I went to see my father, but I did not go anywhere. Everyone here can attest to that.’

The queen shook her head. 'No! He repeated exactly what you told him and accurately conveyed what he saw – you getting on your horse. He also added that he did not see you leave and did not assure me that you would definitely return for dinner.’

There was a moment of silence as the king and the courtiers processed what they had heard. Then they raised a toast to Mamad, congratulating him. From that day on, the king, the queen, and all the courtiers understood that a truly honest person speaks only of what they are absolutely certain, and we can only be certain of what we see with our own eyes.

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