Fable Night is a place to find all the popular fables, fairy tales and bedtime stories for kids. This is a growing database of bedtime stories for kids.

Amelie lay in her little bed, recalling the events of the day. She wasn’t pleased with how it had gone. That day, she had an argument with her best friend, Daria. It all started in the morning when Mom gave Amelie a hairpin. A red one, just like she had always wanted. Right after breakfast, Amelie rushed to show it to Daria, thinking she’d be happy and like it too. It turned out the hairpin did indeed catch Daria’s fancy so much that she immediately started asking Amelie to give it to her.

bedtime stories for kids

Amelie didn’t want to agree to this. After all, the hairpin was a gift from her Mom and belonged only to her. Even now, as she lay calmly in bed, she kept it with her, tucked under the pillow so she could take it out and look at it whenever she wanted. As soon as Daria heard she wouldn’t be getting the hairpin, she got very upset and said she was mad at Amelie and that they would no longer play together. They parted both in tears and angry.

Now, lying under the warm quilt, Amelie thought about it more calmly. In her little room, it was almost completely dark, but Amelie’s eyes had already adjusted to the darkness. A bit of light filtered through the slightly drawn curtain because the night sky was full of stars. Dolls and toys lay motionless on the shelves and the floor. They seemed to be sleeping – deeply and quietly.

Amelie continued to recall the events of the morning. Being friends meant not fighting over a hairpin. Not even one as pretty as this. And you couldn’t get mad when you didn’t get it. Friends just don’t do that. But after a while, she thought that friends lend each other various things. That’s what being friends is about – sharing. So she wasn’t sure anymore if she had acted right and if their quarrel was necessary.

She lay with her eyes closed and motionless for a long time. At one point, she heard a slight rustling. She opened her eyes slightly and looked ahead. To her surprise, she saw the stars on the curtain beginning to slowly fall. Because Amelie’s room curtain was navy blue and covered with golden stars. And now they were sliding – down and down. With a light and quiet rustle. They didn’t run out because new ones slid down from above – very slowly. You had to watch very quietly to see them falling – down and down.

Amelie was already sleepy and not entirely sure if these falling stars weren’t the beginning of a dream. It was nice and comfortable to lie on her favorite pillow under the warm quilt. Through half-closed eyes, she looked around the room. And there was a lot going on in the room. The dolls, confident that Amelie was asleep, quietly stood up and gathered in the corner of the room. They whispered among themselves, and the delicate rustle of their dresses could be heard. In the dollhouse, which stood against the wall, lights could be seen. It all looked like preparations for a big ball were underway.

Amelie had all her stuffed animals on a shelf. Now she saw them sliding down a shoelace. The girl tried to count them as they slowly descended from the shelf.

One… Two… Now the brown rag rabbit was sliding down the shoelace. It was brown and had buttons sewn on, one of which was lost somewhere. Amelie got it from Dad for her birthday and took it to bed for a long time. Late at night, when she was falling asleep, she hugged it and, breathing evenly and calmly, they fell asleep together.

Three… Four… The stuffed dog used to be her favorite. It had such a cheerful face and when you took it with both hands, you could move it as if it were running and wagging its tail. It looked very funny, and remembering this, the girl smiled slightly. Amelie liked to play with it, but now it had only been lying on the shelf for some time, a bit forgotten. Probably bored there, so it wanted to go down to the ball with the others.

Five… Six… This monkey, now skillfully sliding down, was a present from Grandma. The girl named it Koko and sometimes took it out to play. She sat it down with the dolls at the table when she organized her parties. It drank tea with the others and bowed deeply when greeting or saying goodbye. For a monkey, Koko was very well-behaved.

Seven… Eight… The gray, plush mouse was now sliding down. It had short legs, so it helped itself with its tail. It wrapped it around the shoelace and, holding on, slid down to the floor. Amelie tried to remember where this mouse came from, but she was so sleepy that she wasn’t quite sure anymore.

Nine… Ten… The last stuffed animals were descending, and the shelf was completely empty. The girl was very sleepy but lay motionless and quietly in bed, still watching everything happening in her room at night. And there was still a lot going on the floor.

The dolls swayed and circled around the carousel set up in the center of the room, painted in red and white stripes, with horses that circled around when wound up. Amelie got it for Christmas and loved lying on the floor, watching the spinning horses. They rose and fell to the rhythm of the music coming from the speaker on its top. Now it stood quietly and motionless, while around it the whole night dance whirled.

Amelie lay in bed motionless and very quietly. She wanted to hear the music to which her dolls were dancing. When she held her breath for a moment and listened to the sounds of the room, it seemed she could hear it – a dance tune. But she wasn’t too sure because it was quite soft… Amid the dancing dolls, she saw her favorite – Rosa. In her ballet shoes and pink dress, she looked lovely. She turned in the dance, first one way and then the other. The animals admired it. Some swayed to the tune of the inaudible melody, others lay down as if to sleep, just watching the dancing dolls and Rosa.

Amelie wanted to sleep so badly that she closed her eyes completely. There the ball was still going on – dolls, bears, and other plush animals were dancing quietly and slowly… And the girl was falling asleep… She felt warm, peaceful, and very nice. And sleep was coming to her…

She thought of Daria and the red hairpin. She knew what to do. She would talk to her tomorrow and say that she could lend her the hairpin… After all, she wouldn’t wear it all the time herself. It would look very nice on her friend too. They could exchange hairpins and match them to their outfits. That’s what friends are for… She smiled to herself in her sleep.

When they meet and make up tomorrow, Amelie will also tell her about the ball she saw at night. Daria will be surprised… But that will be tomorrow… Because now… Amelie… had already… fallen asleep…

Check out another Amelie story about Amelie And Her Enchanted Night.

Explore all of ours bedtime stories for kids: Bedtime stories.